3 Ways to Make your Bridal Shower Fun

3 Ways to Make your Bridal Shower Fun

Bride to Be! Molly of Luminaire Images When we say fun - we mean FUN! Bridal showers are a perfect example of how you can either feel more stressed or more like you are enjoying being engaged. SO if you are thinking about trying to have an out of the box bridal shower, take a look at these three tips!  

How to Make it FUN

Consider Co-ed

A great way to inject a more playful vibe is to open up the guest list to both men and women. This is especially nice because it means the groom get's to participate. Plus, it creates opportunities for more game ideas that are bound to get some laughs. There's just something about having both genders in attendance that makes people more competitive come game time!  Also, can you imagine the silliness that will ensue when you dad is the one being wrapped in his toilet paper wedding dress?

Think of YOU

Loving this Harry Potter-themed bridal shower Greg Obierek Photography If you want to have a fun bridal shower, then make the bridal shower about things you like. If you want a super formal bridal shower, that's great. But if you want people laughing and a little activity running around, infusing your unique interests into the PARTY can make it AMAZING. For example, if you and your fiance are avid football fans, take your bridal shower outdoors and actually play football! Serve burgers and hot dogs, and just enjoy the sweaty fun. Or if you don't have an active group attending, just go all out with a fun theme that inspires everything from decor to games to food. You're a Harry Potter nerd? Why not serve butter beer and have a magical time?

Let it go!

Can we PLEASE do "Pin the lips on Ryan Reynolds"? lol - 10 unique bridal shower ideas that bring the fun factor! - Wedding Party Connie Whitlock Photo Weddings and all the surrounding planning and sub events can be so so stressful. So this tip really goes for everything, but can be applied to making your bridal shower more fun. LET GO! You will plan and coordinate and budget, but on the day of any of these wedding events, the moment it starts all those logistics are no longer your problem. If your worried about running out of food ruining your good mood, put someone else in charge of worrying about it for you! Your maid of honor is perfect for this.Or an even planner can take the job on! Either way, on the day of, that stuff just isn't your problem!