3 Don'ts for Your Cake Cutting Ceremony

3 Don'ts for Your Cake Cutting Ceremony

Wedding Traditions

Earlier this week we talked about how to cut your wedding cake during this sweet wedding tradition, but now let’s talk about some things you want to avoid.streaming Moonlight

1) First off, don’t cut into the fun. Basically, what I mean here is to pay attention to the timing. Cutting the cake has usually been at the very end of the reception, but a lot of couples are wanting to do it earlier in the night, especially if it is the only desert of the party. This can be a great idea and allows those guests that need to head home to do so and not miss out on these time honored traditions. So, don’t cut the cake during the dance portion of the evening. It can be good to do it between dinner and the fun or right after you close the greeting line. These are both good because they tend to be transitional times where the focus is not yet at any one place.

2) Don’t take too long. The cake cutting ceremony is meant to be short and sweet. Don’t gather everyone to the cake to have your father talk for 15 minutes or to explain your frosting choices. It is meant to be simple, so don’t try to over complicate it. Plus, because it a is a simple tradition, it doesn’t need more than a few minutes.

Wedding Traditions

3) Don’t Smash Without Permission. A lot of couples want to smash the cake into their new spouses face – it is funny right? And it puts on a good show for the guest. BUT, if your partner really really does not want to do that new part of this tradition. Just don’t do it. This, small as it seems, is something you should discuss with your soon-to-be when you are planning your wedding. A groom may feel uncomfortable with the chaos and a bride may be worried about getting the cake on their dress….or in their hair.