The Tradition of the Bride's Wedding Handkerchief

The Tradition of the Bride's Wedding Handkerchief

Bride Hankie

The wedding handkerchief is one tradition that has stood the test of time, although it's meaning has changed and is in contemporary times somewhat lost. It is claimed that the tradition goes as far back as the days of ancient Rome where brides would soak the handkerchief (or a version of one) in perfume and wear it around their necks on the wedding day. In early America, it was said that a bride's tears were lucky and when caught would bring rain to crops and others said that if a bride cried on her wedding day, then she would never cry over her marriage again (ie. a happy marriage). Wedding handkerchiefs are often passed down from generation to generation and bride to bride becoming a family heirloom. Part of what makes the wedding handkerchief an important wedding tradition is that it almost acts as a marker for the marriages in the generation's passed that have come down to create the lives of the new bride and groom and how this bride and groom will continue the family line. Also, more recently the bride's wedding handkerchief will be monogrammed with her new initials or embroidered with her new name, a poem, or the date of the wedding.  Again it is a symbol of marriages passed and the uniting of a new family, but it is almost also a symbol of tradition itself. The wedding handkerchief given to the bride is usually gifted by a close family member, but can also be given by a close family friend.  

Blue Bow Hanky

The above wedding hankie is a beautiful combination of both the wedding handkerchief tradition and also incorporating your something blue ( if it were passed down it could also be your something old, and if you bought it new....then it can also be your something new). This hankie also includes a poem to the bride. By combining these traditions you give added meaning to both and you help yourself out economically in not having to buy or find separate items for each.