Wedding Banner Trends: DIY Flower Garland

Wedding Banner Trends: DIY Flower Garland

DIY and Crafts Ideas

Wedding Banner Trends Tons of couples are utilizing banners, bunting, and garland in engagement photos, wedding photos, and even as decor at the ceremony and reception. Basically it is everywhere! It works wonderfully over or around gift tables, sign in tables, and highlighting your wedding cake. It can also be used at bridal showers and bachelorette parties as a quick and easy way to create a lot of color and decor at your party site. Basically, the stuff can go everywhere! So, what is it? Banners: This is the big category that so many other things (including bunting) fit into. These are exactly what you think they are. They are signs or flags that hang over entrances, tables, across walls, etc. Bunting: This is a type of banner. These are those hanging triangle flags that are often seen at sporting events, carnivals, and vintage styled weddings. Garland:This a different than a banner in that it won't say anything and won't be draping material or anything like that. Garland, instead, is a string of or wreath of flowers, leaves, or other object-like materials. DIY Flower Garland  A cute trend that is popping up is using paper flower decor and paper flower garland at weddings and bridal showers. Here is a simple step by step tutorial on how to make a paper flower. 1) Gather Materials:

  • Sheets of book paper (or construction, card stock, scrap-booking, or basically any kind of paper)
  • lead pencil
  • paint colors of your choice
  • water cup
  • paint brush
  • scissors
  • hot-glue gun and glue.
2) Draw a swirl on your chosen paper. 3) Cut the swirl out leaving a base for your flower to sit on. 3) With the base at the far end, twist the cut out swirl tightly. 4) Once you have twister the swirl up to the base, place a small dap of glue on the base and then press the twist lightly to the glue and let go slowly allowing the swirl to unfurl. 5) Once you have let the swirl open up to the point that you feel it looks like a flower, press the end and the base together more tightly and apply glue to areas that need help connecting and being secure. 6) If you want your paper to be different colors, before step two paint the sheet of paper. I would recommend watering down the color and lightly saturating the paper so that the paper still twists easily.

What is your favorite DIY wedding project?