Wedding Cake Servers that Radiate Bridal Beauty

Elegant and Timeless Wedding Cake Servers

Wedding Cake Servers

The cutting of the wedding cake is a time-honored tradition that every couple looks forward to on their wedding day, especially since it’s the only time they’ll have to eat. For every other important ceremony, the couple keeps a token to remind them of the promise they made and the fun they had: The vase full of colored sand, the rings that will last a lifetime - why not afford that honor to the wedding cake servers? Though most caterers have no problem serving cake they don’t prepare themselves (with the added bonus of a plating fee, of course), it’s less certain that they’ll come with wedding cake servers. Caterers will often assume that the couple will provide their own wedding cake servers. You could always make a quick trip to the grocery store to pick up some plastic serrated flatware, but your wedding pictures might look kind of funny if your white plastic wedding cake servers are lying across from your embossed silverware. Wedding cake servers, especially if they’re personalized and engraved, add an elegant touch to your cake cutting. Couples covet the moment when they get to feed their new spouse a slice of red velvet - make the utensils that made it happen (the humble wedding cake servers) a permanent fixture in your flatware.