What are the products that constitute an eco friendly wedding category?

A popular theme for contemporary wedding celebrations revolves around eco friendly products, accessories and gifts like wedding place cards, wedding guestbook and thank you notes that cause little or no harm to the surroundings, or are absolutely nature friendly. In this category, you will come across a wide variety of environmentally friendly wedding products. One of our picks for an eco friendly wedding celebration is a set of lovely White Rose natural paper wedding place cards. The raw material used for making these place cards is a Thai mulberry (Saa) paper. This handmade natural paper is truly unique and bound to hold your attention. To add to its beauty, it’s embellished with cute, little white roses. If you are looking for an eco friendly and elegant addition to your wedding celebration, these charming place cards would be a perfect choice. Another product from the eco friendly line worth considering is White Rose wedding guestbook. This again is made of natural paper. The beautiful accessory is hundred percent environmentally friendly. The gorgeous guestbook is crafted out of thai mulberry (Saa) paper just like he wedding place cards. And this too, has been decorated with pretty burgundy paper roses that are handmade. Each of its pages contains 2 columns, and about 7 lines to fit nearly 280 signatures. Isn’t it a wonderful addition to you wedding reception?